Are you considering selling your car to a buyer in another state? You're not the only one.

Research shows that around 30% of new vehicle sales in the US were completed virtually in 2020. The percentage was under 2% before the COVID pandemic. That's because buyers have more options when using the internet, and sellers can expand their pool of prospective buyers.

Remember to factor in the cost of shipping a car when selling online. A reputable car transport service can handle this task, starting with a car shipping inspection. Let's explore why auto transport inspections are important.

Why Use Auto Transport Company?

You may have considered driving your vehicle to a car buyer in another state. Don't. This will increase your car's mileage, shortening its life.

Driving a car across state lines will also cost you gas, hotel fees, and time. You may even have to miss work to complete the transaction, costing you even more money.

Hire a car transport company to ship a car to another state when you sell a car online. This will save you time and money. It'll also help preserve the car's value by not adding mileage to the car and ensuring it gets to your buyer in good condition.

Why Perform a Car Shipping Inspection?

Your vehicle shipping company will likely perform a car inspection before shipping your automobile to another state. They'll quickly evaluate your car's interior.

A car inspection will help determine if your vehicle is clean enough to transport. Unclean vehicles pose a risk during transport.

Let's say your car has loose objects, like air fresheners and electronics. These may damage your car's interior. Your car might also be damaged if the shipper's carrier hits uneven terrain, causing these loose items to be tossed about the car.

Remove all non-essential objects from your car before it's shipped. Doing this will help protect your car's interior.

Another reason to eliminate items like electronics is that someone could easily steal them during transport. This is especially true if you ship your car on an open carrier versus an enclosed one more on this next.

Auto Shipping Methods

Open auto transport involves shipping cars on a flatbed trailer with no roof or walls. This trailer makes car unloading and loading effortless. An open hot shot car transport vehicle is also efficient since the trailer can hold as many as 12 cars.

Enclosed auto transport involves transporting cars on a trailer with a roof and walls. The trailer protects vehicles against severe weather conditions and road debris. It typically holds only two to three vehicles.

This shipping method is ideal for anyone who wants to ship a luxury car. Owners of classic and rare vehicles also often opt for enclosed transport.

Other Car Shipping Methods

Auto transport services offer a couple of other shipping options. One is door-to-door auto transport. The other is expedited auto transport.

Door-to-door auto transport lets you choose a specific car drop-off and pick-up location. It eliminates needing to go to the terminal to drop off or retrieve a car. Some individuals choose this option for its convenience.

Expedited auto transport is available for anyone who needs to ship their car immediately. You won't have to wait 1-2 weeks to transport your car when you choose this option. Car transportation services typically let you choose a transport time between a day and two days after your request.

Important Car Shipping Documents

Several documents are required to ship a car. One is the bill of lading.

This legal document outlines your freight shipment's details. Your transport company will issue you this document. The document specifies the following information:

  • Your car's destination
  • Shipping cost
  • Shipping method (e.g., open versus enclosed transport)
  • Quantity of cars being shipped

The bill of lading proves you have a contract with the shipping company. It also confirms that you've agreed to ship or receive the freight. Bills of lading help prevent cargo from being stolen.

More on Essential Car Shipping Documents

Other essential documents that auto transport companies require include current car insurance documents. They'll also ask you to prove your identity with an unexpired passport or driver's license.

Are you shipping a car you've sold? Your chosen car shipping service may ask to see your bill of sale. Some companies might ask for a notarized copy of your bill of sale to confirm that the vehicle's ownership has switched hands.

You might be transporting a car you've purchased. Auto transport companies might request documents proving that you covered the vehicle's state sales taxes when you bought it.

Additional required documents include the vehicle's registration. This may help prove who owns the car.

Auto Shipping Costs

How much will it cost to ship your car? The price will depend on several factors. These include your shipping method and timeline, your car's size, and the shipping distance.

Cross-country car shipping may cost you $1,350 on an open carrier since your shipping service will transport your car more than 2,500 miles. The cost may be $1,830 for a closed carrier.

Shipping might cost you only $1,135 on an open carrier if transporting your car between 500 and 2,500 miles. Expect to pay around $1,550 if you use a closed carrier.

Transporting a car under 500 miles may cost you $630 on an open trailer and $930 on a closed one. A car shipping calculator can help you determine your auto transport costs before you hire an auto transport service.

How We Can Help With Auto Transport

A car shipping inspection is an integral part of the auto transport process. Auto transport companies perform these inspections to ensure their customers' cars are ready for transport. Your shipping service will check for any loose items and ask you to remove them so they don't damage your car's interior.

At Nexus Auto Transport, we offer high-quality car shipping services. Our customers have praised our responsiveness, punctuality, and strong customer service.

We'll work hard to keep your car safe during transport. Contact us to learn more about our services, and let's ship your motor vehicle today!

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